Cedar Valley National Map


Cedar Valley Economic Data

A few quick statistics about the Cedar Valley:

  • The Cedar Valley is within 500 miles of 23% of the nation’s population and 1-2 day delivery time of major business centers
  • Cedar Valley Region’s population totals nearly 241,160 people in northeast Iowa with a potential labor force draw of 494,973 people
  • The Cedar Valley is located along I-218/380 north/south; U.S. Highway 20 east/west connections for federal interstate and highways

Population – The Cedar Valley region is an 8 county region that boasts a population of 253,169. The Waterloo/Cedar Falls MSA holds a population of 169,565. - 2021 Cedar Valley Fact Sheet

Iowa Wage Rate Information

The Iowa Wage Report is a product of Iowa Workforce Development that has been developed using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) employment and wages program. The wage estimates are updated annually using the Employment Cost Index to make the wages more current. The Iowa Wage Report will usually have the most current wage data.

View Iowa Area Wage Reports 

Gross Regional Product - $6,954,188 thousands of chained (2012) dollars - 2019 Waterloo-Cedar Falls MSA, Bureau of Economic Analysis

Regional Labor Shed

A Laborshed is much like a watershed. However, instead of documenting water sources into a lake or basin, it documents labor sources traveling to a particular employment center for work.

View Labor Shed Report 

Major Employers

The Cedar Valley Region is home to many diverse businesses. Our communities consistently rank highly for industry diversity, showcasing the healthy growth of our region.

A list of many major employers can be found in the 2021 Cedar Valley Fact Sheet

View Fact Sheets 

Higher Educational Institutions

The Cedar Valley is home to many career training and advancement institutions. Take a look a the list below to learn about what higher educational opportunities are available, what type of institution it is, and the current enrollment.

Career Focused Education in the Cedar Valley

Cedar Valley PreK-12 schools are passionate about career-focused education. From employability skills to technical training, there are several opportunities that provide career pathways as our children grow and develop in school.

Check out this article from Live the Valley, a Cedar Valley talent attraction movement, and learn more about Cedar Valley CAPs, Iowa Big North, Leader Valley, and the Waterloo Career Center.

Learn More 

Construction Activity - Waterloo-Cedar Falls '19-'20 Annual Construction Reports

  • Commercial New - $88,709,136
  • Commercial Addition - $13,078,271
  • Residential New - $45,079,870
  • Residential Addition - $10,229,594

Cost of Living

The Cedar Valley has always celebrated and enjoyed an attractive cost of living. On #LiveTheValley, a Cedar Valley talent attraction movement, we developed a cost of living calculator that allows you to get up-to-date comparisons between almost any city and the Cedar Valley.

Compare the Cedar Valley to Anywhere!