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Grow Cedar Valley is the regional economic development leader. We bring business and community together to grow opportunities for the Cedar Valley. 

Below are Innovator Level investors in Grow Cedar Valley. These businesses invest to reduce barriers to business success and support future Cedar Valley growth.

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"Our work in economic development goes hand-in-hand with our efforts to increase the quality of life in the Cedar Valley. Simply stated, Grow Cedar Valley is making the Cedar Valley an even better place to work, learn and enjoy life."
Katy SusongPresident & CEO, Grow Cedar Valley
  • 23.6% 

    Housing in the Cedar Valley is 23.6% lower than the U.S. Average

  • 10.7%

    Cost of groceries are 10.7% lower than the U.S. Average.

  • 4.5%

    Healthcare costs are 4.5% lower than the U.S. Average

Source: 2020 Annual Average Cost of Living Index; Waterloo/Cedar Falls MSA