Lisa Rivera Skubal among members of Cedar Falls Community Main Street Board of Directors

posted on Thursday, June 20, 2013 in Blog

Community Main Street Announces 2013-2014 Board

CEDAR FALLS, IOWA, June 19, 2013 – Cedar Falls Community Main Street has announced new Board of Directors members and the Executive Committee for 2013-2014.

Dawn Wilson and Pam Taylor are new members to the Community Main Street Board of Directors. Wilson and Taylor will serve on the board beginning July 1. On the 2013-2014 Executive Committee Ann Remmert will serve as President, Pam Taylor as President-Elect, Dave Deaver as Treasurer, Brent Johnson as Secretary, and Gretchen Behm as Past-President.

Additional board members are: Dave Schachterle, Ty Kimble, Sheryl McGovern, Julie Brunscheon, Lisa Rivera Skubal, Lea Ann Saul, Jodi Landau, Gregg Humble, Brandon Gray, and Ron Gaines. Liaison members are: John Miller, Jeff Sitzmann, Patrick Gibbs, Jane Messingham, Kim Manning, and Karen Smith.

The Community Main Street Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for the Main Street program. Their responsibilities are to educate, build consensus, stimulate the downtown economy through action, focus activity on the downtown, and maximize volunteer participation in the revitalization process. The board serves as a private sector advocate of downtown revitalization by promoting community involvement, acceptance, and commitment to the revitalization effort.

About Cedar Falls Community Main Street

Cedar Falls Community Main Street, Inc. is a volunteer, non-profit organization established in 1987. It is established to foster economic vitality while preserving and promoting the historic image and character of downtown Cedar Falls. Through the integration of business improvement, design, organization and development, and promotion into a practical management strategy, it creates a change in the downtown's economic base. For more information, visit or call (319) 277-0213.