In the Media: Skubal says low water rates are “selling point” for business
posted on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 in Blog
“Lisa Skubal, vice president of economic development at the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber, said the price and quantity of water in the area are selling points in recruiting certain industries.
‘It is one of the top physical infrastructure selling points we use when companies are considering Waterloo, Cedar Falls and the Cedar Valley for large water users,’ Skubal said.
‘The water costs do play into the total annual cost of operation for these large water users during the site selection process.’
But cost isn't the only factor.
‘The Cedar Valley Aquifer has a significant capacity to produce water in excess of current withdrawal rates,’ Skubal said. ‘This capacity and reliability is very attractive to companies and also affects the bottom line for companies.’
Waterloo water, sewer bills are best in state, Tim Jamison, The Courier, January 31, 2018