Grow Cedar Valley Opposes FAA Recommendation

posted on Monday, April 29, 2019 in Blog

WATERLOO,IA – The Grow Cedar Valley Air Service Working Group is in agreement with the Cities of Waterloo, Cedar Falls, and the Waterloo Airport Board to oppose the recommendation of the Federal Aviation Association to realign radar services from Waterloo Regional Airport (ALO) to Des Moines International Airport (DSM).  The FAA recently invested $10 million to upgrade the tower radar equipment at the Waterloo Regional Airport and has been using the Waterloo Regional Airport for flight training and training for controllers.

In addition to jobs lost, the concern with the consolidation and realignment of services is that this is the first step in the full closure of the entire FAA-owned Air Traffic Control Tower facility at Waterloo Regional Airport.

Public comment on this issue is accepted on the FAA website until May 3, 2019.  Grow Cedar Valley encourages businesses and residents of the Cedar Valley to contact their legislators and the FAA via the website below:

“The business community realizes that viable air service is critical to the economic health of a region. We're impressing on our investors and the greater community the importance of their voice in this matter,” explained Grow Cedar Valley CEO, Cary Darrah.
